Marazion is a very dog friendly town. Most restaurants and cafe’s accept dogs, and they are also welcome in several cottages, hotels and camp sites. Dog Friendly details are available on individual property / business pages.
In the summer season from July 1st until August 31st there is a dog walking restriction from 10.00am to 7.00pm on Marazion’s main sandy beach, which is to the west of the causeway to St Michael’s Mount, in front of the car parks, all the way past Jordan’s Cafe at Long Rock.
However at all other times of the year the main beach is dog friendly.
The beaches to the east of the causeway, including ‘steps beach’ beyond the Top Tieb harbour are dog friendly all year.
It should go without saying, but remember wherever you walk your dog please do pick up any dog mess and put it in a bin - Thanks :-)